Call for Abstract

19th Annual Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Sciences Congress, will be organized around the theme “Novelties in Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences”

Med Pharma Congress 2019 is comprised of 15 tracks and 118 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Med Pharma Congress 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Medicinal chemistry or Pharmaceutical Chemistry mainly deals with the drug design, optimization and development of chemical compounds. This field includes multidisciplinary topic such as synthesis of potential drugs followed by studies investigating their interactions with biological targets to understand the medicinal effects of the drug, its metabolism and side-effects

  • Track 1-1Advancements in pharmaceutical technology
  • Track 1-2Pharmacological vitality of drugs
  • Track 1-3Pharmacotherapy
  • Track 1-4Neuropharmacology
  • Track 1-5Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Track 1-6Molecular drug targets and delivery
  • Track 1-7Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
  • Track 1-8Pharmacoeconomics
  • Track 1-9Machine learning in drug discovery
  • Track 1-10Phenotypic drug discovery and stem cell applications
  • Track 1-11Mathematical models in drug design
  • Track 1-12Nuclear pharmacy

Drug development is the process of developing a new drug and bringing to the market once a lead compound has been identified through the process of drug discovery. This process involves a specific pre-clinical development process and testing, followed by trials in humans to determine the efficacy of the drug.


  • Track 2-1Discovery and Development
  • Track 2-2Preclinical Research
  • Track 2-3Clinical Trials
  • Track 2-4Formulation, Delivery, Packaging Development
  • Track 2-5Pharmacokinetics and Drug Disposition
  • Track 2-6Bio analytical Testing
  • Track 2-7Drug Regulatory Affairs
  • Track 2-8Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD)
  • Track 2-9FDA Post-Market Safety Monitoring

Pharmacology is the scientific study of drug action on biological systems. It is the study of the interactions between a living organism and drugs, defined as the branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs.

  • Track 3-1Integrated Systems Pharmacology
  • Track 3-2Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology
  • Track 3-3Neuropharmacology
  • Track 3-4Ethnopharmacology
  • Track 3-5Cardiovascular & Respiratory Pharmacology

Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms. The scientific study of adverse effects is that occur in the living organisms due to the chemicals. It has a key role in the development of new drugs, which are evaluated for potential toxic effects in preclinical studies, clinical trials and post-marketing studies with the aim of ensuring that their benefits outweigh their risks.

  • Track 4-1Environmental Toxicology
  • Track 4-2Clinical Toxicology
  • Track 4-3Human and Health Toxicology
  • Track 4-4Toxicity Testing
  • Track 4-5Toxicogenomics
  • Track 4-6Immunotoxicology
  • Track 4-7Food Toxicology
  • Track 4-8Genetic Toxicology
  • Track 4-9Forensic Toxicology

Pharmacovigilance is also known as drug safety, and it is  the practice of monitoring the effects of medical drugs after they have been licensed for use, especially in order to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse drug reactions

  • Track 5-1EudraVigilance (EV) system: practices and challenges
  • Track 5-2Brexit consequences for pharmacovigilance procedures
  • Track 5-3Pharmacovigilance and public health
  • Track 5-4Risk Communication in pharmacovigilance
  • Track 5-5Benefit-Risk assessment
  • Track 5-6Risk management in pharmacovigilance
  • Track 5-7Pharmacovigilance of medical devices
  • Track 5-8Pharmacovigilance and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Track 5-9Patient involvement in Pharmacovigilance

Biopharmaceutical Science contains study of the drug discovery and their development, and along with their properties, both physical and chemical. It also deals with the biological effects of the drugs like onset and duration of action along with their intensity in the body. Biopharmaceutics help in calculating the bioavailability and therapeutic activity of the drugs in the body.

  • Track 6-1Biosimilars and Biologic Drugs
  • Track 6-2Formulation Studies for Biotherapeutics
  • Track 6-3Drug Dissolution of Biopharmaceutical Products
  • Track 6-4BA/BE on Biopharmaceutical Product
  • Track 6-5Biopharmaceutical Companies & Market analysis

The branch of genetics concerned with determining the likely response of an individual to therapeutic drugs. Its name reflects it’s combining of pharmacology and genomics. It deals with the influences such as acquired and inherited genetic variation on drug response in patients by correlating gene expression or single-nucleotide polymorphisms with pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination), as well as drug receptor target effects.

  • Track 7-1Precision Medicine in Cancer
  • Track 7-2Emerging Areas in Pharmacogenomics
  • Track 7-3Epigenetics
  • Track 7-4Genome enabled biochemistry
  • Track 7-5Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics
  • Track 7-6Human genomics
  • Track 7-7Gene therapy
  • Track 7-8Phenotype and genotype based approach
  • Track 7-9Technical advancement in healthcare

Analytical and Bio analytical Techniques in which it includes analytical methods used for the characterization, release, and stability testing for chemical compounds and for new drugs also as well as the biotechnological/biological products and related to sciences and pharma.

  • Track 8-1Analytical Techniques in Pharmacogenomics
  • Track 8-2NMR and Analysis of Small Organic Molecules
  • Track 8-3High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • Track 8-4Mass spectrometry
  • Track 8-5NMR Spectroscopy
  • Track 8-6Electrophoresis
  • Track 8-7Electrochemical analysis
  • Track 8-8Thermal analysis

Pharmacognosy the branch concerned with medicinal drugs obtained from plants or other natural sources. It is also defined as the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances which are origin from natural sources.

Phytochemistry is in the study of phytochemicals in plants and other natural sources. Phytochemicals are chemicals derived from plants. In other words the terms are often used to describe the large number of primary and secondary metabolic compounds found in plants. Phytochemicals have properties such as protection against insect attacks and diseases. They also exhibit a number of protective functions for human beings also.

  • Track 9-1Traditional Medicine
  • Track 9-2Clinical pharmacognosy
  • Track 9-3Aromatic Medicinal Plants
  • Track 9-4Marine Drugs
  • Track 9-5Applied Plant Sciences

Preformulation begins when a newly produced drug shows the sufficient pharmacologic promise in the animal models to warrant evaluation in the man. And these studies mainly focus on physicochemical properties of the new compound that could affect drug performance such as action and also in drug development.

  • Track 10-1Biopharmaceutics and Biotherapeutics
  • Track 10-2Drug designing
  • Track 10-3Drug Selection
  • Track 10-4Drug-excipient compatibility
  • Track 10-5PK-PD Modeling of Drugs
  • Track 10-6Accelerated Stability Studies
  • Track 10-7Solubility Hindrance
  • Track 10-8Multiple dosing
  • Track 10-9Drug-dose safety
  • Track 10-10Analytical Method Evaluation
  • Track 10-11Scale-Up problems
  • Track 10-12CDRH Transparency

Industrial Pharmacy mainly deals with the drug research, design, development and also testing, treatments of new medicines, and more over ensuring safety and quality of drugs. And it includes areas relates to different functions in the pharmaceutical industry and having contact with the areas like engineering and economics.

  • Track 11-1Fundamentals of Industrial Pharmacy
  • Track 11-2Healthcare pharmacy
  • Track 11-3Drug Design and Marketing
  • Track 11-4Clinical Studies
  • Track 11-5Waste management of industrial pharmacy
  • Track 11-6Good manufacturing practices
  • Track 11-7Functions of Regulatory Bodies
  • Track 11-8Market surveillance of industrial pharmacy

Nanotechnology is a new approach to problem solving and can be considered as a collection of tools and ideas which can be applied in pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology mainly deals with the emerging new technologies in drug developing customized solutions for drug delivery systems. In addition to this the drug delivery system also allows the drug to bind to its target receptor and influence that receptor’s signalling and activity.

  • Track 12-1Nanophotonics & Nano-optics
  • Track 12-2Nanomaterials
  • Track 12-3Nanobiotechnology
  • Track 12-4Nanomedicine
  • Track 12-5Personalized Nanomedicine
  • Track 12-6Nanocharacterization & Nanomanufacturing

Medicinal chemistry mainly deals with the drug design, optimization and development of chemical compounds. This field includes multidisciplinary topic such as synthesis of potential drugs followed by studies investigating their interactions with biological targets to understand the medicinal effects of the drug, its metabolism and side-effects.

  • Track 13-1Diagnostic Medicinal Chemistry
  • Track 13-2Geneomics
  • Track 13-3Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
  • Track 13-4Proteomics
  • Track 13-5Peptide sequence determination
  • Track 13-6Post-translational modification mapping
  • Track 13-7Protein structure determination methods

Clinical pharmacy is the area of pharmacy concerned with the science and practice of rational medication use. And it includes the provision of patient care with the use of medications to optimize the health outcomes of patients.


  • Track 14-1Personalised pharmacy care
  • Track 14-2Clinical Pharmacy and Its Key Role in Treatment
  • Track 14-3Pharmacist in Health Care System
  • Track 14-4Community Pharmacy
  • Track 14-5Latest Advances in Pharmacy Practice

Healthcare Management is a different system in the management industry. In which it deals with the different field relating to leadership, management, administration of hospitals, hospital networks, etc. in Hospital Management it is a facility that the services are provided to the hospitals and patients.

  • Track 15-1Healthcare Planning and Marketing
  • Track 15-2Hospital and Pharmaceutical management
  • Track 15-3Hospital Management and Big-Data Analytics
  • Track 15-4Hospital Management and In/Out-patient Care
  • Track 15-5Hospital Management and Nursing
  • Track 15-6Medical Sociology and Public Health
  • Track 15-7Patient Safety
  • Track 15-8Public Health, Infection and Infectious Agents
  • Track 15-9Telemedicine and healthcare Administration